Monday, October 15, 2007

Double Boiler

How many of you out there in computer land actually use a double boiler? I am having a garage sale this weekend....I think I will put it in. I think I have used it once in 8 years.


Becky said...

It appears that no one owns a double boiler. That must be confirmation to get rid of it. On the other hand, it could become a collector's item.

David, Jenn, and Abby said...

I don't even know what a double boiler looks like, or what you would need to double boil for that matter...

Becky said...

Did it sell???

4feonemale said...

Hey guys! Just checking out what is happening in the lives of old friends and happened upon your wonderful faces. We are still in medford. Looks like the family is growing quickly, we don't have any grandchildren yet, but only Jamie is married, they will think about kids in a few years. Erin and Alicia haven't gotten their husbands from the Lord yet.
Dave and Laurie

Anonymous said...

On another topic.... Obama!

Julie said...

I use a double boiler! Since you haven't updated your blog in such a long time (hint, hint!) I can now claim regular usage. I cook Scottish (or stone ground) oats in a small double boiler that I got with a fondue set. I'm ready to find a real double boiler now! Scottish oats tend to stick too much in a regular pan, but they cook up beautifully in a double boiler. Homemade pudding should be done in a double boiling too...and melting chocolate, of course! By the way, how are all you Poet's doing?

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I made a very good prediction a year ago about Obama.